Fondo Editorial
Víctimas de guerra y derechos humanos

Reseña: Víctimas de guerra y derechos humanos es una compilación que aborda diferentes temáticas relacionadas con problemas sociopolíticos presentes en la particular realidad nacional y regional. En este libro emergen temas sociales que, a manera de evidencias, señalamientos y denuncias, son analizados bajo la lente de las ciencias sociales, en especial desde el campo disciplinar de la psicología social.
Date of edition: April 8, 2022
Review: Victims of war and human rights is a compilation that addresses different issues related to sociopolitical problems present in particular national and regional realities. In this book, social issues emerge that, by way of evidence, accusations, and complaints, are analyzed through the lens of the social sciences, especially from the disciplinary field of social psychology.
Aspects derived from the armed conflict such as the historical memory of victims of extrajudicial executions, the concept of truth constructed by victims of State crimes, social and organizational practices, mourning as a result of forced disappearance, and migrations of the Venezuelan population are treated from a scientific perspective, in a reasonable attempt to articulate the work of the academy with society.